Glute-Focused Mat
Amy Havens
Class 3673

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3 people like this.
Excellent! This is a good glute, hips, and balance challenge but felt like a full body workout. Thanks, Amy!
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Super fun, loved this, Amy. So nice to be taught instead of teaching. Thank you!!
4 people like this.
I love this workout and I really like Amy's personality, her teaching style, her sense of humor! I especially love your words about "Pilates Intelligence. Often as a teacher, we repeat all those little cues about control, flow, navel to the spine, scapula alignment etc. etc and it feels like an endless repetition. Therefore I will from now on also summarize it (especially with my intermediate clients). I really liked your variations - will also implement it in my workouts and in the work with my clients. Thank you!
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Being a fitness girl first (prior to my love of Pilates) I just love this style of workout! I was just reading an article about “dominate butt” syndrome. Yes, it’s a true syndrome in today’s world! Thank you Amy.. love this! And did I hear you say massage......ahhhh
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This class was hot, still panting
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Just what I needed after a 3 hour car trip!!!
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Thank you Amy for this workout. We never work enough the glutes!
I have a question on one of your exercises (it starts around 20:03). Why are we taking this position apart from challenging our balance? Is the side bend supposed to increase the work in the glutes? Thank you in advance for your answer.
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WOW! i know i have to work on my glutes (physio) - and this is the Best class! I shall be doing this OFTEN! The exercises are so much more effective than others...thanks so much for the challenge!
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Love all Amy’s work 😀
Thanks Amy - such creative teaching and much needed glute work:)!! Sarah
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