Get Hip Functional Movement
Amy Havens
Class 4717

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great lesson-so important for life!!!

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Amy, this whole program was absolutely wonderful.  Thank you!
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Thank you so much.  This class was really great, as usual.  I really liked the quick explanation you threw in at the end about the position of your fee in the squat.  It clarifies it and makes sense, ie. find your own place so you can just keep squatting. A fabulous series.
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love it Amy!
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Thank You Amy!
Such thorough explanations not only on the "how" but on the "why" we need to do hip work (especially as we get older!)
I am excited about doing this work for my own body! 

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I am always amazed of the deep knowledge Amy has about the anatomy , physiology and the functionality of the body. Great functional moves for people who sit , who age or who are  recovering from injury- (pretty much that includes everybody )!
always so nice your classes Amy!!!Thank you!
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Amy……Fabulous!!! I admit I have not yet seen the other two classes but will do so. There is so much to learn here and you explain everything so well. I loved it and will use it …a lot
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Would these movements be suitable for those with hip replacements? I always worry about getting them to squat etc 
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A lot of strenght and a lot of information! As I wrote before, I always learn something when I watch Amy's videos! Thank you!
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