Hip Strengthening Mat
Cara Reeser
Class 3438

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Thanks Cara, a great class to warm me up first thing in the morning. Am in hotel quarantine in Australia for 2 weeks, and doing LOTS of Pilates, so body is a little overworked, but feeling like it's getting stronger every day. Will try again later in the week. 
I wrote a review of this workout about a year ago. I did it for a while and then moved on to other things. Fast forward to the last month. I found out my pelvis is rotated and my chiropractor told me I need to work on the entire lower body — stretch and strengthen. I rediscovered this workout and found that it covers all the bases my chiropractor wanted me to work on. Awesome!
What a great class! Such brilliant exercises for the hips! Great cues, right pace and wonderful energy from Cara. Thank you. 
I've really enjoyed the class. Nice use of the props, particularly the yoga block and circular band. Thank you.
Oh my goodness Cara, what an awesome class! You really got me with the theraband roll downs! Why have I never ever done that one?! Thanks! 
Fun variations in this one, thanks Cara!!
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