Hip Strengthening Mat
Cara Reeser
Class 3438

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4 people like this.
Thanks for this great class! I like Caras cuing, humor and lovely personality! The class had a good pace, nice variation of the exercises and a wonderful flow of the exercises.
3 people like this.
Loved this class Cara. Will be introducing the towel balance to my gals
1 person likes this.
So many great ideas! Perfect for spring/summer season outside!
1 person likes this.
Challenging and fun. Cues are clear and the pace is brisk but controlled. Lots of variety too.
1 person likes this.
awesome job..i love seeing the education being mixed with humor light and love
Excelente clase!!
2 people like this.
Fantastic class! My hips and lower body needed this! Thank you.
1 person likes this.
this is going to be one of my favorites....thank you Cara for being such an energetic soul...
2 people like this.
A super useful and interesting class. Thank you Cara for all that you share
1 person likes this.
Loved this new as I love all your classe, each segment was so beautifully taught and your humour always makes me press on that extra bit. Many thanks
1-10 of 46

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