Cervical Nod
Rebekah Rotstein
Tutorial 1834

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1 person likes this.
How useful, I've been doing this wrong all along but no more!
3 people like this.
Fundamentals of Pilates explained precisely. Good to see you online again. Thank you, Rebekah.
Very helpful to have this explained piece by piece. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Thank you. So clear and helpful
Important building blocks explained and demonstrated well. Thank you both!
What a precise description! This was a wonderful refresher for me.
Perfect! Thank you.
I absolutely LOVE Rebekah's clear instructions to her client and to me as a viewer. I avoid lifting of the head for many of my clients as they already come with existing neck tension! I'm aiming towards teaching this safely, once neck flexors aren't over-dominant.
I love Rebekah's precise way of describing the how to's of every movement.
I appreciate the clarity of the instruction ! Thank you !
1-10 of 16

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